Fogorvos, Fertőd 5 orvos - további: Fogászat
Leírás, kérdésekKIEMELT
9431 Fertõd, Fõ u. 1
Fertõdent has been connected to a network of dental practices based in Hungary, and has been serving customers from other countries such as Germany, Qustria, Switzerland and Italy for about twenty years. Fertõdent offers reliable service and friendly care. Services are available for international guests on holiday, as the facilities are located conveniently close to holiday resorts and popular tourist areas of Hungary. Services include regular check-ups and preventive treatment, crowns, veneers, dental implants, and treatments for gingivitis (gum disease) and periodontitis (tooth structure problems).
H-9431 Fertod, Fo u. 94.
Dr. Zentai Jozsef operates this dental clinic in Fertod, Hungary. The clinic promises to give patients the smile they always dreamed of. The staff is friendly and efficient and gives excellent service. After an initial diagnosis a detailed treatment plan is drawn up and a range of procedures like orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, extractions, dentures, crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, fillings, sealing, and root canal surgery are performed. Special offers by the clinic include family discounts and a club card.